What is the Fashion Tech Pack?
A tech pack is a technical pack created by tech pack designers to talk to a factory manufacturer about all the detailed parts an item should build. Tech Pack designers usually provide instructions for Fabric/ materials, color combinations, Style, Design, BOM, labels, Tags, Measurements, etc. Every important part of your plan should be presented in your tech pack. The more difficult a tech pack is, the less chance it is for errors. The tech pack includes several features such as flat sketches, manufacturing, sewing details, accessories, graphic patterns/color combinations, print embroidery, specifications, and other technical details that enable the factory/supplier to adequately provide accurate results.
What does a good tech pack include?
Technical drawings, CAD, design notes, dimensions, and suitable board: annotated flat drawings with front and back views, as well as technical sketches with all construction details such as packets and pleats, etc., seams, bar tack stitching details, and a table with all dimensions product and dimensions and location of each component
Quantity and Size: A table of the quantities you are looking for and the breakdown of the quantities.
Materials: Information on all the important raw materials that make up your product, with name, colors, composition, weight, surface, and named supplier, if available.
Components: Information about all of the components that make up your product: prints, labels, buttons, tags, threads, finishes, fasteners, and decorations.
Order details: Desired delivery date, delivery address for mass production, and details of how your products will be packaged and packaged.
Why is a tech pack important?
1. Tech pack reduces errors and improves communication
Tech pack makes communication between you and your manufacturer easier and clearer and reduces misunderstandings and errors. Having a strong tech pack is even more important when manufacturing overseas across time zones, languages, and cultural differences, and is seen as a universal system to enable manufacturing.
You can be sure that the garment you design will exactly meet your specifications. Your apparel manufacturer can use any engineering drawings, measurements, and component details you provide to accurately recreate your design. This reduces the risk of errors in sampling and mass production.
2. Tech pack acts as a production manual
Usually, you have one contact person in a factory who takes care of all of your orders of design, procurement, sampling, and production. However, during this process, your product will pass through many different people and departments in the factory, and they will all need to work from the same document or platform. Reviews and details are sure to be lost or misunderstood if they are not all contained in the same document or on the same platform. Hence, it is essentially a tech pack instruction manual that provides clarity, consistency, and integration throughout the manufacturing process
3. Tech pack reduces delivery times and avoids delays.
A detailed tech pack will reduce sampling times, avoid errors and ultimately help you get your product to market faster. It also helps the factory to effectively plan the required manpower and resources and secure production capacity early on.
By sending a full tech pack along with a request for an initial quote, the manufacturer can break down the costs into the material, component, and labor costs and can calculate costs more accurately and faster, which means more control of the cash flow. With all of this information, you can calculate your margins and determine if you need to make any fundamental changes to your collection before you begin modeling, sourcing, and sampling.
4. Tech pack save time with future collections
You can always refer to your tech pack. At the beginning of the next collection, changes to certain features of the product are sufficient and the tech packs can easily be reused.
What Are the Best Tools for Building a Tech Pack?
Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw is the most commonly used program for creating tech packs. These are great tools that are easy to use and quick to learn for teams. However, they are not tailored to the uniquely complex needs of fashion manufacturing and product development.
Tech pack – What are the main challenges with current tools?
Tougher Collaboration: Tech packs are collaborative documents that both staff and suppliers need to edit, comment on, or change. It’s not as easy as read-only attachments, PDFs, or offline documents. Comments and changes must be made in real-time.
Tech Pack – Risk of Costly Mistakes:
Tech packs created using adobe illustrator or similar tools are attached or uploaded to a platform like We Transfer and embedded as a link and sent via email. This increases the chances of your files not being sent to the right people or, in some cases, the link will expire! This method makes it easy to attach the wrong version, send too many attachments, or forget critical sample feedback. These little human errors can be very costly.
Tech Pack – Misconceptions:
Manufacturers need to get used to the unique tech packs for each brand they produce for them. It will be easier for them if the tech packs they receive from all brands have some standardization.
Digital tech packs are the future
Digital tech packs have similar functionality to tools like Excel or Google Sheets, but are created, shared, and edited in cloud-based software used by brands and manufacturers.
Advantages of using tech packs
In addition to being a de facto contract between the design company and the manufacturer, there are many benefits to using tech packs. These include:
- More accurate samples from the manufacturer
- The ability to compare prices between different manufacturers has been improved
- Easier quality control
- More organized information on both sides of the table
- Bottom line: Precious time is more likely not to be wasted.
Many ways to manage tech packs
There are lots of ways to create tech packs. Surprisingly, many fashion and apparel companies use spreadsheets or tools like Illustrator or the like despite the data security, transparency, and collaboration concerns. Others take a completely different approach and often implement more complex and expensive PLM solutions.
Tips for reducing manufacturing defects in clothing – Tech pack design
Brands ask themselves this question: “Why do we need Tech Pack projects?” If you want customers to like your clothing brand, you need to keep an eye on the process in which they are built. You also have to believe that you are offering something you believe in and are sure of. Customers don’t buy clothes that don’t fit them. This is common and everyone on the planet has had these unpleasant experiences. Tech pack designs are an important part of the apparel design and manufacturing process. You agree with him that not all work can be done by one person. You can’t do it all by yourself, no matter how smart you are. At some point, you will need support in areas of the real world where your creativity and the technical know-how of a tech pack designer can work together. This not only improves the quality of the products but also makes them more efficient in business.
Key to control and success in apparel manufacturing: tech pack design
Tech Pack – Clarity in style
Tech Pack projects can help reduce confusion and provide better understanding. The clothing manufacturer gets clarity on the style requirements.
Just calculate
With Tech Pack Designs, apparel manufacturers can give you an exact cost per garment according to the Tech Pack details.
Production accuracy
With Tech Pack Designs, apparel manufacturers can give you an exact cost per garment according to the Tech Pack details.
Reduced rejection through tech pack
If the result is known to the manufacturer, the accuracy and quality level increase. The rejection rate drops to almost zero.
The manufacturer does not need to leave traces and conduct experiments to develop samples, as every detail is known. So it takes a while to allow for a sample and significantly reduce garment production.
Simple monitoring
The customer can check the previous amount of clothing production. The sampling and approval process becomes easier to achieve.
Easy to create content invoice
With a tech pack in hand, apparel manufacturers and brands can create material invoices. This will help both brands and manufacturers streamline their manufacturing process. This is especially useful when creating a solid line sheet.
Our support system for better quality control of production
What approach would you take when starting a new clothing line? Or proceed consistently and build up step by step? This blog is about the steps a successful G Studio takes. For more information, see our Tech Pack Design and Apparel Manufacturing FAQ. If you’re just starting out with your own clothing line and can’t wait to get it started right, just contact us and you will get free consultation and services from our skilled Tech Pack designer and apparel maker who can help you make your dreams come true.
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