fashion tech pack

The Ultimate Guide to the Fashion Tech Pack

A technical pack, or Tech Pack for short, is a model of the ultimate piece of clothing. It has all the technical specifications and design details that make your product unique. In essence, it is a tool for communication between designers and producers. The quality of a finished product depends entirely on the “quality” of that Technical Pack communication.

What is a tech pack?

The tech pack, also known as a specification sheet, is a series of documents that designers create to explain their design to a manufacturer so they can turn that information into a finished garment. It serves as a final garment model that includes detailed flat sketches of the design, materials to use such as trims and labels, measurement specifications, size classification, color combinations, etc.

Importance of the technical pack:

Here are some of the reasons why tech packs are essential when creating a fashion product:

Saves you time and money

Help with accurate quotes.

The technical packs help improve the quality of the fit.

It is a benchmark for quality control.

Helps you work together as a team.

What’s in a Technical Pack?

The information contained in a technical pack depends on the type of product and its design. But here is a list of the most common information in a typical apparel tech pack:

Design flat sketches:

The technical fashion flat sketches show all the design details from different angles (front, back, side, and yes, even inside). They help your manufacturer and model maker to visualize how you can bring the first sample as close as possible to the desired look. Because of this, they are made in black and white and are usually made on Corel.

Add more scenes to your outfit.
 Be as detailed as possible.
 Keep it simple.

BOM in Tech Pack:

The BOM is a list of raw materials for making the garments and preparing them for shipping. When your company makes a physical product, you need to source the materials to make it, and sourcing the materials is an integral part of the manufacturing process. The materials you choose have a huge impact on the quality of your product.
A typical BOM table includes primary fabric, secondary fabric (lining), thread, trimmings, fasteners, labels, and packaging.
In the apparel industry, bill materials are often created by technical designers and product developers. These designers work closely together and send feedback to factories that can adjust the tech pack accordingly. A technical designer usually creates a bill of materials based on a computer-aided design (CAD) drawing.

Here are three main reasons why a well-defined BOM table is important:

1 Determine the cost and price of clothing.
2 So that your factory doesn’t lose any components.
3 Standardize production and ensure quality and consistency in every batch.

Specifications for measuring garments

Let’s say you’ve defined the style and set up your sketch and materials page. The next step in creating your tech pack is to include your measurements. The measurement specification sheet (or measurement specification) is an intricate detail of the measurements of various components in a given garment.
There are general measurement terms commonly used in all measurements, e.g., B. Body length, chest, waist, hips, armholes, shoulder drops, and neck opening. However, depending on the complexity of the garment, more measurement points need to be included. For example, collar length, cuff width, pocket dimensions, etc.
Measurement specification sheets can be created based on standard size charts or custom body measurements.

Examples of technical packs

Now that you’ve learned all about creating a tech pack, it’s time to check out how you can take your projects to the next level with Graphtick Studio. In the following, you will find some examples of different tech packs that show the scope of the functions of a technical pack.