Tech Packs

How does a Technical Pack look like?

If you’ve ever had to get a clothing technical pack, you know it’s a complicated document. If you’ve never created a technical pack for your product or collection, you’re about to find out how the pros put one together.


Once you have decided on the fantastic designs you have for your product or collection, it is your turn to make your products. To do this, you will need a factory or a costume designer depending on the size of your production. More importantly, [and this is the part that could stop you], how are you going to explain your idea to someone else?

A tech pack is a project that uses a special design and terminology language to tell your factory what your finished garment will look like and how it will be made.

A detailed technical pack can cost anywhere from $ 50 to $ 400, depending on the complexity. Unfortunately, these skills are not really taught in universities and are discovered by designers through experience. The standard varies a lot depending on who taught them and how curious they were.

A good technical pack aims to set the design for your product. What most people fail to realize, however, is that they can also save you time and money depending on the quality.


If the technical pack is well done, the first sample you get from a factory should be close enough to what you need. There may be a setting or two to be made, or the factory may not have taken all of the required measurements … but basically, it should be correct. Since you pay for every sample the factory has to produce, the quality of the tech pack is very important to your budget and schedule if the specifications are not met correctly.

If you receive a poor quality technical pack, you might pay 8, 9, 10 samples before it looks right. Plus shipping costs for all samples. And the fabric … … and the trims … … and the buttons … on top. Trust me! It will cost you a lot more to do 5 rounds of rehearsals than to pay for a good tech pack!

When I look up the internet I can see that for example some tech packs, while they look great, would make your life really harder, they wouldn’t really help you. Inexperienced, you may need to worry about who to hire or accept the beautiful layout and designs. But don’t be afraid. We are providing tech pack services at G Studio.


The Tech Pack consists of 3 main skill pieces. All sides show the design and measurement of the clothes. Classification for each size if you want. And the language in which the construction is drawn and explained.

The 3 parts are used in this way throughout the Tech Pack and its works.


This page shows the garment in all its colorful splendor. It should be the only place where the drawing is colorful and has a basic understanding of the style. Style number. Date. Cut it. Color references. Date of Manufacture. You should put a logo or name on your tech pack to make it clear that it is yours. When you create your tech pack or ask someone else to create it for you, you will be given a unique brand ID and logo to send.


This is the actual plan page. The aim is to give the factory where the sample is made clear instructions on how each garment is made. The drawing is black and white and shows the factory where and where to measure from and how those measurements should be. Provides details on finishes, construction, and fabrics, as well as the basics above.

This is the main area where “Language” is used. The way the sketch is drawn is very specific. It’s a language. Different line widths in the design mean different things to the factory. Also, the terms used to describe certain parts of the garment. The machines and techniques used in factory production are very specific. Also depending on the type of clothing…….

Did you know that the toe with buttons and buttonholes is called a button holder, like the front of a shirt? Well, not on knitwear. It’s a push of a button! Do you understand what I mean….

Your factory speaks this language and understands the language of drawing, not the adaptive language which is the “hobby” version.


This provides the same measurement points as the main specifications page, but changes the measurements by size and tells the sample cutter how to evaluate each sample piece when creating it.

This is pure mathematics and requires a lot of experience to understand age-grades, body shape, and content.

Not only do you need this page to get one example, but you could also include it if you are paying someone to make the tech pack for you. This will save you time and money later if you plan to make the design in a few sizes for “mass production” or large-scale work.


This is a record of your samples and should be kept as a record of the observations and measurements of the samples you receive.

You will find that this page is photocopied by a factory and an employee checks the quality of the sample before sending it.


Several other pages are optional depending on how ready you are to sample and create the type of product you want. In essence, each page has the same general layout as each other and contains important information such as the date and style number, etc. The following pages may be:

Color options [or colors] to show what colors the product will come in. – see photo below

Inscribed leaflets for clothing labels

Printing or embroidery of artwork on the fabric

Side view or 3/4 rotated garments depending on product characteristics.

Detailed construction information


Okay, I’ve given you the basics, but now that most people start with a designer, I want to give you some great tips on things where a red flag should come from your head. Remember, QUALITY reduces your costs.


Never hire someone to show you a picture with a shadow or a beautiful picture. A tech pack should not be beautiful and lodged. It must be remembered that this is a technical document.

Never hire a designer to show you images in which the entire shape of the garment is surrounded by a thick black line. This was very popular because of a trending site called WGSN, but the sign language is wrong.

Never hire a designer to make the garment look 3D. It should always be drawn flat [hence the name flat design] – again, these are just designers copying WGSN

Never hire a designer who cannot specify all the technical details for 1 [press button 2 for something complicated]. The more pages a tech pack has, the more lost in a factory!!!!!!

Never hire a designer who only explains the details of the garment in writing. This means that they have not drawn the flat design properly or do not know which language is the correct language. Your drawing should also be made so that it does not need to be explained. If it’s complicated and you’re playing safe, there should be more drawing and less text. If there is a lot of text in the flat design….. Alarm clocks…. Stay out.

Never hire a designer who says he can do this and that and that and that … they are not there! Every designer has areas in which they are good at, but not all. Choose specialists who are very good at 1 or 2 things. For example. Many children’s clothing designers are also very good at graphics and printing thanks to their work.

And remember…. Your tech pack may be specialized. You may need additional pages that are important. So you have to trust your instincts and use your common sense.

Secondly, tech packs are not taught to most designers in college, in books, or in courses. It’s workplace training. So if you find a designer who is not great, help him.

So far we’ve explained what a tech pack is and how good and bad it can affect your time and budget. Hire a professional.