pre production process

What are the Facts About Pre Production Process in the garment industry-2021?

When we talk about making clothes, we usually think of the cutting, sewing and finishing processes. However, the manufacture of garments is not complete without the pre-production processes. In this post, we explain what pre-production processes mean, what steps they involve, and discuss the types of samples that were made before mass production.

What the pre-production processes in garment mean

The pre-production process involves planning ahead of the main production of garments. This includes developing and approving samples, sourcing and testing raw materials, costing clothes, modeling, and process planning. Efficient production cannot be achieved without pre-production processes.

In the manufacture of clothing, the normal pre-production process is divided into five phases:

Five stages of the pre-production process in apparel production

Cost of clothing in pre production process

Clothing is a process of calculating and combining the costs of raw materials, finishes, packaging and labor, shipping and operating costs. It estimates and generally determines the cost of making a garment.

Cost accounting is a very critical step. If the cost is low there will be no profit, if the cost is too high it will be more difficult to sell the product.

Modeling, classification

When creating patterns, a clothing pattern is created. When building a garment, the fabric is cut according to the instructions and specifications of the pattern. The main purpose of modeling a 2D fabric is to sit correctly on a 3D body. It is then created taking into account the type of fabric and finishes, as well as the desired fit.

A model is usually created by a technical designer or a professional model maker. They first develop a suitable model and then can develop it again by adding comments and corrections to a suitable example. If you have a suitable approval modeler, the samples will only be assessed for the specified sizes. The model will be rated for the full size range when everything is approved and the order is ready for production.

Procurement of raw materials

Sourcing raw materials involves selecting materials and finding a procurement company. These materials include fabric and all kinds of finishes and accessories. All of these items make it onto the Bill of Materials in the Tech Pack.

The bill of materials is a complete list of all items, with their corresponding costs and quantities, required to build a product, be it a piece of clothing, shoes, or an accessory. The main goal of the bill of materials is to estimate raw material costs, plan purchases, and reduce waste. It also helps you not to lose a single thread, button, zipper or small detail in the making of your products.

Example of a content invoice

After the materials are selected and purchased, the physical properties are tested for main production. This test can be carried out with the help of a manufacturer or an internal test laboratory.

Process planning

After purchasing raw materials, approving a sample and calculating the cost of clothing, the company starts planning the process at the factory. They plan when to start cutting, when the pre-production sample can be sent, when the final garments can be shown and completed. At this point, the final inspection and quality control period is estimated and the shipping date is determined.

Samples for pre-production process and quality control

The pre-production sample is an example of the product that was made before production started. Help clients research the design, materials, lettering, and construction details such as sewing.

At this point the buyer can request changes if necessary. However, additional costs may arise depending on the agreement with the supplier. That can be a daunting task.

Once the PPS sample has been approved, large-scale production can begin.

Why pre-production samples are important

Pre-production samples are important as they ensure that they meet the original quality and standards of the product created during the development process. It helps the company requesting the PSP sample to assess the production capabilities of the factory and the ability to meet quality requirements.

Another main purpose of the pre-production sample is to define problems with the product at an early stage. Make corrections before mass production begins. PPS helps the company calculate actual production costs and times.

How is PSP different from other sample types?

In addition to the pre-production sample, there are other types of samples commonly used in the clothing industry.

The PPS sample is the critical first step before mass production. It can also be used for immediate and marketing purposes. After the PSP sample is approved, it becomes a production sample.

The production sample then moves to a limited production run, sometimes limited to one size or color. At this point, the manufacturer can run a size run to verify that the final products meet size standards.

After the successful run of the production sample, the quality of the products is checked. The formal start of production begins with the Top Production model. At this point, the company’s quality control inspector visits the manufacturer to check the production line and select a garment for evaluation. If production is done in-house, the same process will apply: samples are checked and quality controlled.

The sales model is used for marketing and presentations to potential buyers. The sales example shows the actual product. With this type of sample, suppliers can determine the marketability of the product. After the concept is approved, small changes to fabric combinations, color changes or trim can be made. However, none of these changes can affect the manufacturing process.

Examination of the approved sample

A study of the approved sample will help determine the best way to produce the garment. In this step, companies can define the most effective way for their product.

After sample approval and material supply, the production planning department holds a pre-production meeting. During the meeting production team, the quality team and the procurement team share their views and discuss pros and cons. You add the scheduled deadline, launch date, and schedule to the clothing manufacturer for mass production. The contract must be very detailed and include delivery dates, materials and prices. It connects both the brand and the factory and ensures that all parties meet their obligations. Prior to the start of mass production, all samples must be approved and meet the requirements and details such as labels, measuring equipment, labels, packaging, etc.